

Enhancing OEM customer service experience






One of the tangible benefits of the customer journey is to identify the gaps between the desired customer experience and the one actually received…the “moments of truth” which gives a clear indication of where actions need to be focused.


Project Scope

To create an outstanding customer experience that will help one of the biggest suppliers for an Indian automotive OEM retain their customers, sustain their business, enable them to grow and get an edge over their competitors considering the carve-out from the parent organization.




Who were our stakeholders?

Through an initial workshop with SG we tried to map out who were the most important stakeholders in customer OEM. We did this because it was crucial to identify the main influencers in the highest and lowest hierarchy levels across the organization with thousands of employees and umpteen interfacing people with SG.

In our research, we performed contextual inquiry and focus group discussions with multiple stakeholders in different verticals of Mahindra&Mahindra such as Finance, Research and Development, Quality and Procurement in four different locations.

Mahindra & Mahindra

Mahindra & Mahindra

Bosch Starter Motors and Generators

Bosch Starter Motors and Generators



Some of our Top Findings

  • Lack of communication leaves room for misinterpretation, a feeling of uncertainty and delays.

  • As a strategic future partner, Mahindra expects SG to ensure year on year profitability and benefit.

  • Need for ‘hand-holding’ during the transition phase.



"I have to ask to get answers. When a new product improvement is made SG does not update me."

"SG should convert itself from a commodity product business to value-added business."


"The new entity can’t take business for granted. They have to earn their business."          


Synthesizing Insights

Who's journey should we focus on anyway: The company? The VP? Or the vehicle? 
( Interpreting the research data)



The common denominator for engagement at various stages from both sides is the design, development, manufacture and quality of Vehicle Platforms. Hence, we decided to map the journey of a Vehicle Platform.


Who were the main Nodes/ Influencers in the Platform Development?

We created 4 Profiles*. Their Profile journeys map out the main journey steps of key personas across the platform development cycle. The journey is mapped according to customer intentions, actions, touch-points, satisfaction levels and top findings for the respective steps.
The profile journeys helped SG stakeholders to empathise and anchor solutions and ideas for a service with a human perspective.


*Profiles, and not personas: We called them profiles because we wanted SG to understand them from their professional role, motivations and tasks rather than personal ones.


 Our Opportunity Areas

  1. Enable proper planning for our OE Customers

  2. Create an environment conducive for innovation

  3. Ensure effective collaboration at all levels and stages

  4. Increase agility to adapt and deliver faster

  5. Develop a long-term strategic partnership

  6. Strengthen trust considering the SG carve out

  7. Create a positive impact with the end customers during aftermarket services




Participatory and Co-creative Design Phase


Tools for Co-creation Workshop with SG stakeholders


Co-creation workshop with different teams from Bosch SG



Putting together a solution framework

The Final Service Blueprint

OEM Customer Experience Toolkit for SG

Learning: This was my first experience as a project lead and a massive growing up exercise. Our team consisted of User Researcher( Rachel Immanuel), Visual Designer( Manoj Samuel) and me. Pooling together people with different backgrounds, collaborating with multiple stakeholders and translating a design solution into a convincing business rhetoric were important lessons from this project.